



2023: Single-cells can be distributed in an array just by “dropping” a cell suspension onto a open-type microfluidic chip

Among various single-cell analysis platforms, hydrodynamic cell trapping systems remain relevant because of their versatility. Among those, deterministic hydrodynamic cell-trapping systems have received significant interest; however, their applications are limited because trapped cells are kept within the closed microchannel, thus prohibiting access to external cell-picking devices. In this study, we develop a hydrodynamic cell-trapping system in an open microfluidics architecture to allow external access to trapped cells. A technique to render only the inside of a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchannel hydrophilic is developed, which allows the precise confinement of spontaneous capillary flow in the open-type microchannel with a width on the order of several tens of micrometers. Efficient trapping of single beads and single cells is achieved, in which trapped cells can be retrieved via automated robotic pipetting. The present system can facilitate the development of new single-cell analytical systems by bridging between microfluidic devices and macro-scale apparatus used in conventional biology.

Murakami et al., Single-cell trapping and retrieval in open microfluidics, iScience, 26(11), 108323, 2023. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589004223024008?via%3Dihub



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